Mandatory Standards Overview courses required for all renewals after October 1st, 2023.
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Need credits for your recertification ?
Classroom based C.E. for Mitigation Certification
C-4-117: ANSI/AARST Mitigation Standards Review
Course ID#: CERTI-4001
Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom,Online,Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: As of 2023, the National Radon Proficiency Program amended its policy regarding the renewal of its base radon measurement and mitigation certifications to require a four-hour review of the ANSI/AARST standards relevant to a specific certification. This course provides that review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.
To complete this course, students must access the ANSI/AARST standard, familiarize themselves with the standard and complete the validation quizzes consisting of 80 questions. The course is offered Online, or via Home Study, Classroom, or Webinar.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-114 Radon and The Home Inspection Professional – New Jersey
Course ID#: CERTI-8001
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: A continuing education course designed to reinforce radon fundamentals, strategies and requirements for offering radon measurement services in the state of New Jersey.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
Web Based C.E. for Mitigation Certification
C-4-115 Becoming Proficient with Rad Elec E-Perm Measurement Devices
Course ID#: CERTI-306
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This home study course is an essential resource for any radon professional that is currently using or considering the use of the EPERM System in their business. This course was produced in conjunction with Rad Elec for the purpose of providing EPERM users with a thorough training to obtain the most benefit from this versatile and convenient measurement system.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-24-102 Radon Mitigation Technology (Formerly NRPP-59A)
Course ID#: CERTI-307
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 24
Course Description: This home study course includes all the comprehensive information and audio CD's of the Home Study Mitigation Certification course with a convenient alternative for obtaining all 24 credits required when you have both certifications. Students listen to the audio CD's and complete the online review questions.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-103 Radon Mitigation Technology (Formerly NRPP-59B)
Course ID#: CERTI-308
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This home study course provides you with all the comprehensive information and audio instruction of the Home Study Mitigation Certification course, but with an abbreviated set of review questions. Students listen to the audio CDs and complete the online review questions.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-103 Radon from a Physician's Perspective (Formerly NRPP-60)
Course ID#: CERTI-309
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: CERTI is proud to partner with the Center of Osteopathic Education and Research of the Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation to produce this unique course. This round-table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy contains mini-presentations by subject matter experts with questions asked from other panelists of a nature that are of interest to medical professionals as well as radon professional and concerned citizens
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-104 Interviews with Radon Experts
Course ID#: CERTI-310
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This audio-based home study course provides you with an easy-to-use format of audio CDs in an easy-listening format including phone interviews with respected experts in the field providing valuable information and insight to the radon industry.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-105 Radon Control Methods (Formerly NRPP-65)
Course ID#: CERTI-311
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This video based program, created in 2007, reviews standard radon mitigation techniques for both new and existing homes in relation to elements of the International Residential and International Mechanical Code. The program was videotaped as part of an ICC Chapter meeting where comments were provided from practicing building code officials.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-12-102 Radon Entry & Measurements in Tropical Climate (Formerly NRPP-110)
Course ID#: CERTI-312
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 12
Course Description: This video and audio-based course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects of very tight buildings within tropical regions
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-104 Radon Measurement & Mitigation in Tropical Climates (Formerly NRPP-111)
Course ID#: CERTI-313
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This audio and video based home study course is an extension of CERTI-312 (formerly NRPP-110) – providing radon professionals with technical information and an overview of experiences in the measurement and mitigation of radon in tropical and karst conditions, including the differences involved in radon entry and effects of geologic formations.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-105 Basis for Promoting Radon Reduction in Your Community
Course ID#: CERTI-314
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This video-based course was recorded over a three day period in Washington, DC. This program provides a comprehensive review of the "Whys" and "How-to's" of radon control techniques in new and existing homes. These video based presentations were presented by the nation's leading experts on radon health risk, mitigation techniques, as well as legal aspects and social marketing strategies.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-104 Design and Installation of Radon & Soil Gas Collection Systems
Course ID#: CERTI-316
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based program was recorded at the 2012 Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting. The course includes the various design elements of soil gas collection systems for both radon and vapor intrusion, as well as a review of various standards of practice that may apply with a discussion on pros and cons of alternative approaches.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-110 Addressing Radon Decay Products – Another Tool in the Tool Box
Course ID#: CERTI-324
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: It is well known the mechanism by which radon exposure increases the potential of lung cancer is alpha release from the short-lived decay products of radon and the amount of these decay products available for respiration can vary due to air circulation rates, particulate levels, etc. This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-109 Radon Challenges – Gnarly Tales from the Field
Course ID#: CERTI-325
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: Interpreting radon measurements or mitigating buildings with radon concerns is not always as easy we would like them to be. Experienced radon professionals from both sides of the profession occasionally will run across a situation that doesn’t necessarily fit the simple diurnal cycles that affect stack effect or houses that don’t adhere to the simple mitigation diagrams we often see in texts. This course goes beyond simply identifying these concerns but actually presents solutions using real life case studies. It also demonstrates the use of diagnostic equipment to aid one in identifying a problem and provides downloadable tools that the student can use for estimating pressure drop in mitigation systems, air flow as well as the significance of a radon emanation source. Recorded with a live audience, the virtual student benefits from the formal instruction and contributions from the seasoned professionals who participated.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-106 Technical Review of Radon Measurement and Mitigation Techniques for Radon Professionals
Course ID#: CERTI-326
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This course covers technical aspects of radon measurement and mitigation for residential buildings as well as schools and commercial buildings. It also encompasses techniques for fixing existing structures and design parameters for the incorporation of radon control systems during the construction of homes and large buildings. Sponsored by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Cancer, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease Grants program, this technical manual was developed utilizing over 30 years of experience that its authors and collaborators have had in dealing with radon in Colorado. The purpose for developing the document was to provide a technical resource for radon professionals, builders, engineer and architects allowing them to address radon in a logical and cost-effective manner. Although it was written for Colorado, the techniques and approaches apply to radon wherever one may find it, which is why we have created this course for a wider application.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-111 Presenting Radon Programs
Course ID#: CERTI-327
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This course provides instruction for both radon measurement and mitigation professionals on presenting radon programs for public outreach for real estate professionals, builders and concerned citizens. The course includes presentation tips as well as information to reinforce a positive and helpful message concerning the measurement and mitigation of radon.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-112 Radon Response for Schools and Commercial Buildings
Course ID#: CERTI-328
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This course walks the student through a process for assessing results, identifying problems and developing a radon response plan that can be executed by building personnel in concert with radon and HVAC personnel and at a price that fits their budget. This course is of particular benefit for mitigation contractors called in after a survey, as well as radon professionals who conduct radon surveys in large buildings and are asked, “What Next?”
The course consists of lecture, student interaction, field footage and a real-life case study. To be presented in a live webcast for AARST 2020 Virtual Symposium on November 13, 2020. Recorded version will be available to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-107 Application of HRV/ERV's for Radon Reduction
Course ID#: CERTI-329
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: Various methods of estimating the potential impact of increasing ventilation will be demonstrated. This will give you the confidence to recommend a ventilation strategy when appropriate while providing the customer with meaningful estimates of the expected radon reduction.
To be presented in a live webcast for AARST 2020 Virtual Symposium on November 13, 2020. Recorded version will be available to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-6-100 Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools
Course ID#: CERTI-330
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 6
Course Description: This course covers the nuts and bolts of conducting radon surveys in schools and takes a deep dive into explaining the process and challenges one may face when conducting a survey in such an expansive space.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-117: ANSI/AARST Mitigation Standards Review
Course ID#: CERTI-4001
Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom,Online,Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: As of 2023, the National Radon Proficiency Program amended its policy regarding the renewal of its base radon measurement and mitigation certifications to require a four-hour review of the ANSI/AARST standards relevant to a specific certification. This course provides that review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.
To complete this course, students must access the ANSI/AARST standard, familiarize themselves with the standard and complete the validation quizzes consisting of 80 questions. The course is offered Online, or via Home Study, Classroom, or Webinar.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-101 RRNC Practices: An Industry Discussion
Course ID#: CERTI-500
Applicable to: Mitigation (RRNC)
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based course is comprised of two separate sessions recorded at the US EPA Region 8 Radon Stakeholders Meeting in Denver, Colorado in April 2010. This program discusses current practices and an alternative to the installation of radon control techniques in building construction and incorporates valuable comments from seasoned mitigation contractors, engineers and school maintenance personnel who attended this highly interactive program. Advanced certificate designation applies to NRPP-certified mitigation specialists only.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-102 Health Perspectives For Promoting RRNC
Course ID#: CERTI-501
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based course was recorded at the 2010 Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting and includes presentations by Dr. Bill Field, Phil Jalbert of US EPA, and Doug Kladder, all dealing with perspectives of health effects of radon in the promotion of Radon Resistant New Construction
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-111 Incorporation of Radon Control Techniques in New Construction – 2020
Course ID#: CERTI-503
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This course revolves around a recording of a March 2020 webcast attended by members of several building departments and public health agencies. You will be able to view and benefit from the live audience questions. During the video, you will hear the
presentation and see the graphics as well as follow along and take notes on a downloadable guide for all of the slides presented. The course is based upon the recently published Radon Technical Guidance: Measuring and Mitigating Radon in Colorado, which you will be able to download and use for this course. It also serves as a reference for other radon-related questions you may have. The course also contains a video of field installation techniques to reinforce the lecture and additional resources and links to web-based protocols and ANSI-AARST standards.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-108 Radon Challenges: Gnarly Tales from the Field, Part II
Course ID#: CERTI-8000
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: 2022 Symposium Course. For those that enjoyed CERTI’s original Gnarly Tales the good news is that the series continues. The bad news is that more weird and challenging situations continue to arise as measurement and mitigation professionals address radon in more and different situations. This course will delve into challenging situations that have been encountered and how they have been identified, diagnosed and successfully mitigated. Included will be cases where HVAC systems, weather, permeable soils, tight soils, complex foundations and other surprises have presented challenges requiring more in-depth investigations beyond simple “poke and hope” approaches. The course will be taught with the assistance of experienced radon professionals presenting real world cases-with solutions! Attendees are encouraged to submit personal cases via email prior to the class for potential group discussion.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-112 Radon Mitigation Fundamentals
Course ID#: CERTI-8002
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This course provides radon professionals with the homeowner’s perspective when it comes to radon mitigation. Whether you are a radon measurement or mitigation professional, this course will provide you with a valuable resource you may find yourself sharing with your clients.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
Controlling Radon Decay Products: Too Complicated or a Silver Bullet?
Course ID#: CERTI-8003
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This course explores, from a practical standpoint, how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. This course is approved for both U.S. (NRPP & NRSB) and Canada Continuing Education for Measurement and Mitigation Professionals.
To be presented at the 2023 AARST Conference. Recorded version will be available online to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-119 Advanced Design & Diagnostics
Course ID#: CERTI-8004
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: The first segment of the course will explore fan curves with practical examples and discussion. Mitigate faster, cheaper, and better using your knowledge of the relationship between pressure and airflow. The second segment of the course will explore the operation and use of various types of radon sniffers. Cases will be presented to help you determine if a radon sniffer might be good to add to your radon toolkit.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-2-101 Codes and Standards Update for Installing Radon Systems in New Home Construction
Course ID#: CERTI-8005
Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This short course provides a concise summary and comparison of
Appendix AF of the International Residential code modified in 2021 and
the ANSI/AARST 2020 CCAH Standard. Although similar in intent there
are some subtle differences that an installer of radon system needs to be
aware of when quoting a project.
This course consists of a video presentation with downloadable slides, a
short quiz with feedback and links to both ANSI/AARST standards and ICC
Appendix AF. CERTI Course ID C-2-101
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
Home Study C.E. for Mitigation Certification
C-24-102 Radon Mitigation Technology (Formerly NRPP-59A)
Course ID#: CERTI-307
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 24
Course Description: This home study course includes all the comprehensive information and audio CD's of the Home Study Mitigation Certification course with a convenient alternative for obtaining all 24 credits required when you have both certifications. Students listen to the audio CD's and complete the online review questions.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-103 Radon Mitigation Technology (Formerly NRPP-59B)
Course ID#: CERTI-308
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This home study course provides you with all the comprehensive information and audio instruction of the Home Study Mitigation Certification course, but with an abbreviated set of review questions. Students listen to the audio CDs and complete the online review questions.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-103 Radon from a Physician's Perspective (Formerly NRPP-60)
Course ID#: CERTI-309
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: CERTI is proud to partner with the Center of Osteopathic Education and Research of the Colorado Springs Osteopathic Foundation to produce this unique course. This round-table discussion by radon subject matter experts and Doctors of Osteopathy contains mini-presentations by subject matter experts with questions asked from other panelists of a nature that are of interest to medical professionals as well as radon professional and concerned citizens
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-104 Interviews with Radon Experts
Course ID#: CERTI-310
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This audio-based home study course provides you with an easy-to-use format of audio CDs in an easy-listening format including phone interviews with respected experts in the field providing valuable information and insight to the radon industry.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-105 Radon Control Methods (Formerly NRPP-65)
Course ID#: CERTI-311
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This video based program, created in 2007, reviews standard radon mitigation techniques for both new and existing homes in relation to elements of the International Residential and International Mechanical Code. The program was videotaped as part of an ICC Chapter meeting where comments were provided from practicing building code officials.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-12-102 Radon Entry & Measurements in Tropical Climate (Formerly NRPP-110)
Course ID#: CERTI-312
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 12
Course Description: This video and audio-based course deals with pressure driven entry of radon due to environmental factors found in structures constructed on karst or limestone formations as well as the effects of very tight buildings within tropical regions
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-104 Radon Measurement & Mitigation in Tropical Climates (Formerly NRPP-111)
Course ID#: CERTI-313
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This audio and video based home study course is an extension of CERTI-312 (formerly NRPP-110) – providing radon professionals with technical information and an overview of experiences in the measurement and mitigation of radon in tropical and karst conditions, including the differences involved in radon entry and effects of geologic formations.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-105 Basis for Promoting Radon Reduction in Your Community
Course ID#: CERTI-314
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This video-based course was recorded over a three day period in Washington, DC. This program provides a comprehensive review of the "Whys" and "How-to's" of radon control techniques in new and existing homes. These video based presentations were presented by the nation's leading experts on radon health risk, mitigation techniques, as well as legal aspects and social marketing strategies.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-104 Design and Installation of Radon & Soil Gas Collection Systems
Course ID#: CERTI-316
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based program was recorded at the 2012 Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting. The course includes the various design elements of soil gas collection systems for both radon and vapor intrusion, as well as a review of various standards of practice that may apply with a discussion on pros and cons of alternative approaches.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-110 Addressing Radon Decay Products – Another Tool in the Tool Box
Course ID#: CERTI-324
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: It is well known the mechanism by which radon exposure increases the potential of lung cancer is alpha release from the short-lived decay products of radon and the amount of these decay products available for respiration can vary due to air circulation rates, particulate levels, etc. This course explores from a practical standpoint how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-109 Radon Challenges – Gnarly Tales from the Field
Course ID#: CERTI-325
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: Interpreting radon measurements or mitigating buildings with radon concerns is not always as easy we would like them to be. Experienced radon professionals from both sides of the profession occasionally will run across a situation that doesn’t necessarily fit the simple diurnal cycles that affect stack effect or houses that don’t adhere to the simple mitigation diagrams we often see in texts. This course goes beyond simply identifying these concerns but actually presents solutions using real life case studies. It also demonstrates the use of diagnostic equipment to aid one in identifying a problem and provides downloadable tools that the student can use for estimating pressure drop in mitigation systems, air flow as well as the significance of a radon emanation source. Recorded with a live audience, the virtual student benefits from the formal instruction and contributions from the seasoned professionals who participated.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-111 Presenting Radon Programs
Course ID#: CERTI-327
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This course provides instruction for both radon measurement and mitigation professionals on presenting radon programs for public outreach for real estate professionals, builders and concerned citizens. The course includes presentation tips as well as information to reinforce a positive and helpful message concerning the measurement and mitigation of radon.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-112 Radon Response for Schools and Commercial Buildings
Course ID#: CERTI-328
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This course walks the student through a process for assessing results, identifying problems and developing a radon response plan that can be executed by building personnel in concert with radon and HVAC personnel and at a price that fits their budget. This course is of particular benefit for mitigation contractors called in after a survey, as well as radon professionals who conduct radon surveys in large buildings and are asked, “What Next?”
The course consists of lecture, student interaction, field footage and a real-life case study. To be presented in a live webcast for AARST 2020 Virtual Symposium on November 13, 2020. Recorded version will be available to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-107 Application of HRV/ERV's for Radon Reduction
Course ID#: CERTI-329
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: Various methods of estimating the potential impact of increasing ventilation will be demonstrated. This will give you the confidence to recommend a ventilation strategy when appropriate while providing the customer with meaningful estimates of the expected radon reduction.
To be presented in a live webcast for AARST 2020 Virtual Symposium on November 13, 2020. Recorded version will be available to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-6-100 Conducting Radon Surveys in Schools
Course ID#: CERTI-330
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 6
Course Description: This course covers the nuts and bolts of conducting radon surveys in schools and takes a deep dive into explaining the process and challenges one may face when conducting a survey in such an expansive space.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-117: ANSI/AARST Mitigation Standards Review
Course ID#: CERTI-4001
Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Classroom,Online,Home Study
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: As of 2023, the National Radon Proficiency Program amended its policy regarding the renewal of its base radon measurement and mitigation certifications to require a four-hour review of the ANSI/AARST standards relevant to a specific certification. This course provides that review via a series of quiz questions with detailed explanations and citation of relevant sections of the standards.
To complete this course, students must access the ANSI/AARST standard, familiarize themselves with the standard and complete the validation quizzes consisting of 80 questions. The course is offered Online, or via Home Study, Classroom, or Webinar.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-101 RRNC Practices: An Industry Discussion
Course ID#: CERTI-500
Applicable to: Mitigation (RRNC)
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based course is comprised of two separate sessions recorded at the US EPA Region 8 Radon Stakeholders Meeting in Denver, Colorado in April 2010. This program discusses current practices and an alternative to the installation of radon control techniques in building construction and incorporates valuable comments from seasoned mitigation contractors, engineers and school maintenance personnel who attended this highly interactive program. Advanced certificate designation applies to NRPP-certified mitigation specialists only.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-102 Health Perspectives For Promoting RRNC
Course ID#: CERTI-501
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This video-based course was recorded at the 2010 Region 8 Stakeholders Meeting and includes presentations by Dr. Bill Field, Phil Jalbert of US EPA, and Doug Kladder, all dealing with perspectives of health effects of radon in the promotion of Radon Resistant New Construction
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-111 Incorporation of Radon Control Techniques in New Construction – 2020
Course ID#: CERTI-503
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: This course revolves around a recording of a March 2020 webcast attended by members of several building departments and public health agencies. You will be able to view and benefit from the live audience questions. During the video, you will hear the
presentation and see the graphics as well as follow along and take notes on a downloadable guide for all of the slides presented. The course is based upon the recently published Radon Technical Guidance: Measuring and Mitigating Radon in Colorado, which you will be able to download and use for this course. It also serves as a reference for other radon-related questions you may have. The course also contains a video of field installation techniques to reinforce the lecture and additional resources and links to web-based protocols and ANSI-AARST standards.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-8-108 Radon Challenges: Gnarly Tales from the Field, Part II
Course ID#: CERTI-8000
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 8
Course Description: 2022 Symposium Course. For those that enjoyed CERTI’s original Gnarly Tales the good news is that the series continues. The bad news is that more weird and challenging situations continue to arise as measurement and mitigation professionals address radon in more and different situations. This course will delve into challenging situations that have been encountered and how they have been identified, diagnosed and successfully mitigated. Included will be cases where HVAC systems, weather, permeable soils, tight soils, complex foundations and other surprises have presented challenges requiring more in-depth investigations beyond simple “poke and hope” approaches. The course will be taught with the assistance of experienced radon professionals presenting real world cases-with solutions! Attendees are encouraged to submit personal cases via email prior to the class for potential group discussion.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-16-112 Radon Mitigation Fundamentals
Course ID#: CERTI-8002
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 16
Course Description: This course provides radon professionals with the homeowner’s perspective when it comes to radon mitigation. Whether you are a radon measurement or mitigation professional, this course will provide you with a valuable resource you may find yourself sharing with your clients.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
Controlling Radon Decay Products: Too Complicated or a Silver Bullet?
Course ID#: CERTI-8003
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This course explores, from a practical standpoint, how radon decay products are measured and how RDP reduction can enhance soil gas remediation by reducing radon risks to very low levels. This course is approved for both U.S. (NRPP & NRSB) and Canada Continuing Education for Measurement and Mitigation Professionals.
To be presented at the 2023 AARST Conference. Recorded version will be available online to students thereafter.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-4-119 Advanced Design & Diagnostics
Course ID#: CERTI-8004
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: The first segment of the course will explore fan curves with practical examples and discussion. Mitigate faster, cheaper, and better using your knowledge of the relationship between pressure and airflow. The second segment of the course will explore the operation and use of various types of radon sniffers. Cases will be presented to help you determine if a radon sniffer might be good to add to your radon toolkit.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
C-2-101 Codes and Standards Update for Installing Radon Systems in New Home Construction
Course ID#: CERTI-8005
Applicable to: Mitigation
Course Type: Home Study,Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This short course provides a concise summary and comparison of
Appendix AF of the International Residential code modified in 2021 and
the ANSI/AARST 2020 CCAH Standard. Although similar in intent there
are some subtle differences that an installer of radon system needs to be
aware of when quoting a project.
This course consists of a video presentation with downloadable slides, a
short quiz with feedback and links to both ANSI/AARST standards and ICC
Appendix AF. CERTI Course ID C-2-101
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
NRPP Approved Continuing Education Providers
The NRPP does not provide training, but approves courses for continuing education. You can find links to the individual training providers in the course descriptions below. Click the Measurement or Mitigation buttons below to view the full list of courses administered by each provider. A $1 per credit hour CE administrative fee is assessed to training providers for CE courses submitted to the NRPP for certification renewals.
Training Providers: If you are a training provider and wish to submit a course to the NRPP for consideration, please email to request a copy of our current education handbook and course application.
AARST Hosted C.E., Online Webinar
Courses provided in Web Based format
10 Measurement Courses 11 Mitigation Courses
Airthings, Geneva, IL
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses
American Radon Mitigation, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Courses provided in Classroom, Web Based format
2 Mitigation Courses
Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822
Courses provided in Classroom, Classroom, Web Based, Home Study, Home Study, Web Based, Web Based format
30 Measurement Courses 27 Mitigation Courses
Eastern Regional Radon Training Center through Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Courses provided in Web Based format
4 Measurement Courses 3 Mitigation Courses
Ecosense, 1460 Maria Way, San Jose, CA 95117
Courses provided in Classroom, Web Based, Web Based format
2 Measurement Courses 1 Mitigation Courses
Environmental Consultants and Affiliates Network (ECAN), 17 West Water Street, Muncy, PA 17756
Courses provided in Classroom, Web Based, Classroom, Web Based, Home Study format
3 Measurement Courses 2 Mitigation Courses
femto-TECH, Inc., Carlisle, OH
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses
Green Training USA, LLC, VA,
Courses provided in Web Based format
3 Measurement Courses 2 Mitigation Courses
IEA, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses 1 Mitigation Courses
Kansas State University (MURC-KSU), Manhattan, KS
Courses provided in Classroom, Classroom, Web Based, Classroom, Web Based, Home Study, Web Based format
14 Measurement Courses 16 Mitigation Courses
KSU Radon Courses, Manhattan, KS
Courses provided in Classroom, Web Based, Classroom, Web Based, Home Study format
3 Measurement Courses 3 Mitigation Courses
Minnesota Department of Health, PO Box 64075, St. Paul, MN 55162
Courses provided in Web Based format
4 Measurement Courses 9 Mitigation Courses
Norad Corp., Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Courses provided in Web Based format
3 Measurement Courses 3 Mitigation Courses
Professional Home Inspection Institute, Madison, SD
Courses provided in Web Based format
4 Measurement Courses 2 Mitigation Courses
Rad Elec Inc., Frederick, MD
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses
RAdata, Flanders, NJ
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses 1 Mitigation Courses
Radon Program State of CT Dept. of Public Health, Hartford,
Courses provided in Classroom format
1 Measurement Courses
Radon Testing Corporation of America, Elmsford, NY 10523
Courses provided in Classroom, Web Based format
8 Measurement Courses 3 Mitigation Courses
RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA
Courses provided in Web Based format
5 Measurement Courses
Radonology Online Training, PO Box 448 Martensville SK, Canada, SOK 2T0
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses
Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc., Ward Hill, MA
Courses provided in Classroom, Classroom, Web Based, Classroom, Web Based, Home Study, Home Study, Web Based format
51 Measurement Courses 52 Mitigation Courses
SunRADON, Melbourne
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses
Trinity Environmental, Atlanta, GA 30329
Courses provided in Web Based format
1 Measurement Courses 1 Mitigation Courses
US Inspect, LLC,
Courses provided in Web Based format
3 Measurement Courses 3 Mitigation Courses