Device Performance Test (DPT)
A DPT is an exercise that proves you are proficient in using your chosen analytical device type. It requires that the measurement device be exposed to a known amount of radon gas in an NRPP-approved radon chamber facility. PLEASE NOTE: For any certified professional utilizing an analytical device (continuous monitor or electret with reader), a performance test MUST be completed prior to your INITIAL certification). Please read below under ‘Device-Specific Training’ for information on how to renew your certification with an analytical measurement device.
The device performance test process is as follows:
- Ship the analytical device(s) (only one of each model you own/use) to an NRPP-approved test chamber.
- The test chamber exposes the device to a known radon concentration for at least 48 hours and ships it back to you; the average radon concentration in chamber will not be provided.
- You analyze the data and report the result to the test chamber on their analysis reporting form.
- The test chamber compares your result to the actual average radon concentration to which your device was exposed and sends you a Performance Report detailing your accuracy.
- You must submit the Performance Report to NRPP as part of the initial certification process. Once certified by NRPP with your device(s), you can use your analytical device knowing you can provide accurate results to your customers.
NRPP-Approved Secondary Test Chambers
Please contact one of the chambers below to schedule your performance test.
Bowser-Morner, Inc. | 937.236.8805 |
KSU Radon Chamber | 785.532.6026 |
Radiation Safety Institute of Canada | 800.263.5803 |
Spruce Environmental Technologies | 800.355.0901 | (Calibrations Only)
Device-Specific Training Courses
FOR CERTIFICATION RENEWAL WITH ANALYTICAL MEASUREMENT DEVICES: If you have successfully completed a Device Performance Test (DPT) for your INITIAL certification, you can fulfill your 2-year renewal requirement by completing one of the following courses for your specific device in lieu of performing another DPT. Completion of device-specific training for your specific device is only required once, not every two years.
Classroom, Home Study and Web Based Courses
CERTI-306, 4 CE hours, C-4-115 Becoming Proficient with Rad Elec E-Perm Measurement Devices - Web Based
C-4-115 Becoming Proficient with Rad Elec E-Perm Measurement Devices Course ID#: CERTI-306
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 4
Course Description: This home study course is an essential resource for any radon professional that is currently using or considering the use of the EPERM System in their business. This course was produced in conjunction with Rad Elec for the purpose of providing EPERM users with a thorough training to obtain the most benefit from this versatile and convenient measurement system.
Provided by Center for Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (CERTI), Flemington, NJ 08822, Phone: (800) 513-8332, Email:
CORPRO-800, 2 CE hours, Airthings Corentium Pro Device Specific Training Course - Web Based
Airthings Corentium Pro Device Specific Training Course Course ID#: CORPRO-800
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This FREE course will train you on how to operate Corentium Pro for radon measurements. This course includes information on how to use the Corentium Pro software, as well as a walkthrough of the QA Plan specific to Corentium Pro.
Provided by Airthings Pro Academy, 9 Main Street, Suite 2F, Sutton, MA 01590, Phone: 833-776-2767 EXT 6, Email:
ECOS-1002, 2 CE hours, RadonEye Pro Device-Specific Training Course - Web Based
RadonEye Pro Device-Specific Training Course Course ID#: ECOS-1002
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Device-Specific Training for the RadonEye Pro Continuous Radon Monitor
Provided by Ecosense, 1460 Maria Way, San Jose, CA 95117, Phone: (678) 983-9312, Email:
FEMTO-800, 2 CE hours, femto-TECH Device Specific Training Course: CRM-510LP - Web Based
femto-TECH Device Specific Training Course: CRM-510LP Course ID#: FEMTO-800
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This online 2-hour comprehensive course is designed to expose the user to enough information to allow them to be proficient in the usage of the femto-TECH CRM-510LP, LPB, and LP/CO devices. Those who complete this training and quiz following the course, are eligible for 2 continuing education (CE) credits and will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Provided by femto-TECH, Inc., Carlisle, OH, Phone: (937) 746-4427, Email:
RADSTAR-310, 2 CE hours, Radstar: Alpha 310 RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
Radstar: Alpha 310 RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: RADSTAR-310
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStar Alpha 310.
This free course guides the user/owner through
operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the
RadStarA30 when performing Radon Measurements.
Including downloading, generating and analyzing
reports for your client.
Includes requirements to generate and upload a
genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an
additional unique quiz through NRPP for DPT. Call Spruce at 800-355-0901 to register for this course.
Provided by RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
RADSTAR-516, 2 CE hours, Radstar: Alpha 516 RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
Radstar: Alpha 516 RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: RADSTAR-516
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStar Alpha 516.
This free course guides the user/owner through
operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the
RadStar Alpha 516 when performing Radon Measurements,
including downloading, generating and analyzing
reports for your client.
Includes requirements to generate and upload a
genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an
additional unique quiz through NRPP for DPT. Call Spruce at 800-355-0901 to register for this course.
Provided by RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
RADSTAR-830, 2 CE hours, Radstar: Alpha 830 RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
Radstar: Alpha 830 RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: RADSTAR-830
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStar A830. This free course guides the user/owner through operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the RadStar A830 when performing Radon Measurement. including downloading, generating and analyzing reports for your client. Includes requirements to generate and upload a genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an additional unique quiz for DPT. Call Spruce at 800-355-0901 to register for this course.
Provided by RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
RECON-800, 2 CE hours, Rad Elec Recon Device Specific Training Course - Web Based
Rad Elec Recon Device Specific Training Course Course ID#: RECON-800
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This course is the device training program for the Rad Elec Recon continuous radon monitor; designed to instruct users on the proper usage, including how to accurately deploy, retrieve, and interpret radon measurement utilizing the Rad Elec Recon CRM.
Provided by Rad Elec Inc., Frederick, MD, Phone: (800) 526-5482, Email:
RS300-800, 2 CE hours, RadStar 300: RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
RadStar 300: RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: RS300-800
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStar 300. This free course guides the user/owner through operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the RadStar 300 when performing Radon Measurements. Including downloading, generating and analyzing reports for your clients. Includes requirements to generate and upload a genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an additional unique quiz for DPT. Call Spruce at 800-355-0901 to register for this course.
Provided by RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
RS800-801, 2 CE hours, RadStar 800: RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
RadStar 800: RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: RS800-801
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStar 800. This free course guides the user/owner through operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the RadStar 800 when performing Radon Measurement. including downloading, generating and analyzing reports for your client. Includes requirements to generate and upload a genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an additional unique quiz for DPT. Call Spruce at 800-355-0901 to register for this course.
Provided by RadonAway, Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (978) 521-0901, Email:
SPRUCE-422, 2 CE hours, RadStarA310 RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
RadStarA310 RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: SPRUCE-422
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStarA30. This free course guides the user/owner through operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the RadStarA30 when performing Radon Measurements. Including downloading, generating and analyzing reports for your client.
Includes requirements to generate and upload a genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an additional unique quiz through NRPP for DPT
Provided by Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc., Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
SPRUCE-423, 2 CE hours, RadStar A516 RadonAway Device Specific Training - Web Based
RadStar A516 RadonAway Device Specific Training Course ID#: SPRUCE-423
Applicable to: Measurement & Mitigation
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: Show your proficiency in operating the RadStarA30. This free course guides the user/owner through operations, procedures and troubleshooting of the RadStar ALPHA 516 when performing Radon Measurements. Including downloading, generating and analyzing reports for your client.
Includes requirements to generate and upload a genuine 48hr test with quiz questions and pass an additional unique quiz through NRPP for DPT
Provided by Spruce Environmental Technologies, Inc., Ward Hill, MA, Phone: (800) 355-0901, Email:
SUNNUC-800, 2 CE hours, SunRADON Device Specific Training Course: CRM:1027, 1028, 1028-XP, 1030 - Web Based
SunRADON Device Specific Training Course: CRM:1027, 1028, 1028-XP, 1030 Course ID#: SUNNUC-800
Applicable to: Measurement
Course Type: Online
C.E. Credits: 2
Course Description: This online 2-hour comprehensive course includes training on SunRADON Continuous Radon Monitors (1027, 1028, 1028-XP, 1030) and Radon Detection Software. Those who complete this training and quiz following the course, are eligible for 2 continuing education (CE) credits and will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Provided by SunRADON, Melbourne, Phone: (321) 255-7011, Email:
Annual Device Calibrations
Each of your analytical test devices must be carefully calibrated to a known radon concentration once a year. You must submit a proof of calibration on an annual basis for EVERY device registered with NRPP, in order to apply for and maintain your certification. The calibration date will represent the anniversary date by which future calibrations are to occur.
The chamber operator or manufacturer most commonly performs the calibration without any input from the user/owner of the device(s). The device(s) are serviced and sent back to the owner with a certificate showing that calibration was completed successfully. This certificate must be submitted to NRPP for each registered device.
The proof of calibration must show:
- Manufacturer name
- Model number
- Serial number
- Date of calibration
- Name of facility performing calibration
- Calibration results